Ilija Zivotic & Darko Obradovic - Associates of the CfSPSource - The amount and promptness of data associated with instant communication applications has completely reshaped the information environment. External malign actors who seek to exert their influence on public opinion no longer need to dispose...
Autor: Jelka Jovanović - Izvor: Novi magazin Naš plan za Generalštab nije se mnogo razlikovao od ovoga. Moja ideja je bila da se za vrednost zgrade, uključujući i kulu u kojoj se nalazi Ministarstvo odbrane i zgradu MUP-a, dobiju adekvatna sredstva koja bi direktno bila investirana u nove...
Pre više od trideset godina, desetine hiljada istočnih Nemaca su uz krajnji napor probile Berlinski zid što nije predstavljalo samo fizičku barijeru između dve države, već i rušenje ideološkog zida koji je delio svet na dva poretka, dva načina života, dva pogleda na prošlost i na...
More than thirty years ago, tens of thousands of East Germans, with the utmost effort, broke through the Berlin Wall which represented not only a physical barrier between two countries, but constituted the demolition of an ideological wall that divided the world into two orders, two...
There is no historic YES here, but we could have a historic NO that would get us into trouble the likes of which we haven't seen since 2000. It is interesting to see the almost identical attitudes of the representatives of the populist parties of the...
During the week, the "big five" visited Belgrade and Pristina. After that, President Vučić announced that he was told, right in the second sentence, that Serbia must accept the plan for Kosovo. How does it seem to you? As a threat? An ultimatum? Unlike previous negotiations...
Autor: Mreža nevladinih organizacija za demokratiju, razvoj i bezbednost Mreža nevladinih organizacija za demokratiju, razvoj i bezbednost, poziva vlast u Srbiji da ne propusti još jednu šansu za rešavanje nagomilanih problema Srbije i Kosova (Beograda i Prištine). Danas Srbija stoji na raskršću sa uzalud potrošenim godinama...